国内一家域名注册机构 A,近期新获得国际顶级域名注册资格。一些顶级域名的价格很便宜,甚至比其他家的域名代理价格还便宜,同时本人在他们家也是老会员,也使用过很多他们的产品。本着勤俭节约,我动起了想将在另一个域名注册机构 B 注册的域名转移到他们家的想法。
通过与 B 注册机构的洽谈中,了解到,域名在他们家转出是需要付一笔费用,价格不贵,但是十几个域名转出,就是一笔不小的开支,本人依稀记得,获取国际域名转移码,是不需要任何费用的。于是通过网路搜索,得知遇到类似事件,可以向 ICANN(互联网名称与数字地址分配机构) 投诉,因为域名注册机构被投诉过多的话,是会被取消域名注册资格的。
由于上一次与 B 注册机构的谈话不欢而散,直接去 ICANN 填写了投诉表,打星号的为必填项。当然前提是你能获取到域名的注册邮箱。否则收不到后面的邮件,你也白搭。
I tried to transfer my domain name XXX.COM, domain name registration vendors need I pay not reasonable charge, but to my knowledge transfer a domain name is not to need to pay any fees, but the company has been asked me to pay for domain name transfer fees, or my domain name will be trapped in the company, and I think that their company to cheating.
I therefore seek your help for the issue. Thanks.
(I could even provide the chatting record for your investigation bye mail.)
Hello, I registered my domain XXX.COM at (注册商名称) I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other.
I can't find any place on their site to get my Auth-Info code. Followed their FAQ, I found they require a paper form to be filled and mailed to their office with a hard copy of my official personal photo ID or/and passport. I feel very uncomfortable about this. I don't think they has authority to check my personal id and keep a hard copy, it contains lot of my privacy info. I believe this requirement is against both ICANN policy and local law.
Please help me getting my Auth-Info code from them. My domain info is listed below: (domain Whois information)
结果第二天晚上就收到了域名注册机构 B 的邮件,通过邮件验证后,顺利的获取到了域名转移码,当即在域名注册机构 A 申请将域名转入。
那么究竟要多久才能成功转入到域名注册机构 A 呢。
根据 ICANN 的规定,一旦新域名注册机构收到从域名所有人发出的域名转入申请,并且通过 Email 确认域名所有人的信息后,原域名注册机构有 5 天时间去同意转出申请。如果原注册商在 5 天内没有同意的话,域名注册局将会自动完成此次转移。